How are Apprenticeships Funded?
For a butchery modern apprenticeship, the cost of training and assessing your apprentice are covered by Skills Development Scotland and paid directly to the training provider of your choice, all employers must do is pay your apprentice while they learn on the job.
Alternatively, if you have a contact within Skills Development Scotland and can deliver the apprenticeships internally (training and assessment), then payments can be made directly to the business as your apprentice works through their apprenticeships.
Further information on funding and apprenticeships can be found on:
Further Funding Options
Young Persons Guarantee:

Launched in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the programme makes a commitment to help young people between the ages of 16 to 24 secure opportunities in work, an apprenticeship, education, or volunteering. The scheme assists employers with help in recruitment and retention as well as helping to develop new and existing staff.
Local Employability Partnership:

As part of the Young Person’s Guarantee and supporting the Scottish Government’s No-One Left Behind policy, Employer Recruitment Incentives are available to help people prepare for employment, training, education and/or volunteering, further information on the scheme can be found on the Employability Scotland website.
The Open Doors Consortium:

Open Doors Consortium Enhanced Modern Apprenticeship Support Package is funded by the Scottish Government to raise the profile of young people with barriers to employment within the Scottish workforce. This offers additional support for young people who are currently in work, if it’s required to overcome barriers and help sustain their employment.
Adopt an Apprentice:

If you take on a Modern (or Graduate) apprentice who’s been made redundant from within the same sector, you can help a young person when they need it most and there’s financial support available for your business of up to £2,000.