Careers Influencers

Have you got young people looking for their next move? A career in the food sector, red meat industry and butchery can be extremely rewarding with roles available for all and opportunities to train while they earn and develop a skill for life.

Below is a selection of resources and further information that will help provide a rounded picture the red meat industry and the jobs and training available.

So, you’re looking at your options for a job or a career? If you want to learn a real craft, then a butchery apprenticeship could be for you. Earn and gain skills that’ll set you up for a bright future, want to know more? Take a look at the stories from real apprentices and information on training opportunities contained within the downloadable booklet.

Farming Foodsteps

An interactive educational resource developed by Quality Meat Scotland and showcases the journey that Scottish red meat makes from farm to fork as well as highlighting the role that red meat plays in our diets, the economy and environment. 


Red Meat Careers Poster

The Red Meat Journey Career Path Poster aims to increase awareness among young people on the wide range of exciting career opportunities available throughout the red meat supply chain, from the farm, auction markets, abattoirs through to butchers.


Tasty Careers

If you or someone you know is considering a career in the food and drink industry? Tasty Careers is a fantastic place to start and is aimed to help young people find job opportunities, apprenticeships and long-term careers. 


Additional Resources / Information:

Skills Development Scotland

Apprenticeship Scotland

My World of Work

Our Skillsforce